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  • Hall Effect Measurement System

    DX-100 Hall Effect Measurement System

  • soft magnetic material coercivity measuring device

    DX-2012HC soft magnetic material coercivity measuring device

  • Fluxgate Magnetometer

    DX-330F 3D Fluxgate Magnetometer

  • Gauss Meter

    DX-180 Gauss Meter

  • Double-Yoke Double-Tuning Adjustable Air Gap Electromagnet

    DXSB Double-Yoke Double-Tuning Adjustable Air Gap Electromagnet

  • 3 Axis Helmholtz Coils

    3 Axis Helmholtz Coils

Biological magnetic field and human magnetic field

On the issue of biomagnetism, scholars continue to explore and study which organisms have such properties. Constantly in recent years found that some biological behavior related to biological magnetic Q shut in by magnetic bacteria is more, some studies have found that some bacteria in swimming is always in one direction, can use the earth's magnetic field orientation, found that there are several kinds of bacteria have to the magnetic North Pole dynamic phenomenon, the phenomenon known as the "bacteria compass through the study found that some particles in the fine bacteria in the body, and link chain, the measured with instrument analysis, judged ferroferric oxide (Fe3 (4), Fe3O4 belongs to the strong magnetic materials. The earliest guides used by man were made of lodestone. The swimming direction of these bacteria is also affected by the external magnetic field. When the external magnetic field changes direction, the swimming direction of these bacteria also changes, which is called magnetic bacteria (Figure 6-1). By swimming magnetic bacteria, it can help to understand the relationship between magnetic field and organisms, and clarify the characteristics and behaviors of some organisms.

In addition to the discovery of magnetic bacteria, substances related to magnetism have also been found in some other organisms. For example, bees also have the ability to rely on geomagnetic orientation, and strong magnetic materials have been found on their abdomens. The strong magnetic materials were isolated from the dead bees and measured and analyzed, which proved to be Fe3040
A dove knows its home. When it has flown far from its nest, it will return. For example, a homing pigeon raised in Pretoria, South Africa, left Lisbon, Portugal, shortly after it was sent to Lisbon, and flew back to its old home in Pretoria after a seven-month, 9,000km journey. Why can pigeons recognize, after research, homing pigeons and geomagnetic field related, found in the head and neck muscles of the pigeon permanent magnetic particle material, confirmed

Second, human magnetic field
Human magnetic field belongs to the range of biological magnetic field and is the key research content of biological magnetic field. Because human biological magnetic field is closely related to human life and physiological activities.
Magnetic field of human body has magnetic field of brain magnetic field, nerve magnetic field, eye magnetic field, heart magnetic field, liver magnetic field, limb magnetic field, muscle magnetic field, scalp magnetic field. Among them clear investigate more is magnetic field of brain magnetic field, heart magnetic field, lung magnetic field. The intensity of biological magnetic field of human body is very low, and the intensity of biological magnetic field of each organ is also different. For example, the magnetic field of the heart is one millionth the magnetic field of the earth, and the magnetic field of the brain is one billionth the magnetic field of the earth. Its main human magnetic field is described as follows.

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