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Hall Effect Measurement System
Helmholtz coil classification
Helmholtz coil magnetic field definition
Helmholtz coils are a pair of coaxial circular (square) coils that are parallel and connected to each other. The currents in the two coils are in the same direction and of the same magnitude. When the distance d between the coils is exactly equal to the radius R of the circular coils, the circular current-carrying coils are called Helmhohz coils. The coil is characterized by the ability to generate a wide uniform magnetic field near the midpoint of its common axis. The current has a good linear relationship with the magnetic field. Shanghai Tiandu industry Co., Ltd. can customize all kinds of Helmholtz coils。
Helmholtz coil classification and application
Helmholtz coil is classified into DC Helmholtz coil and AC Helmholtz coil according to magnetic field.
Helmholtz coils are classified into one axis helmholtz coil, two axis Helmholtz coil, three axis Helmholtz coil and multi-axis combined Helmholtz coil according to the number of magnetic field axes. Suitable for various research institutes, universities and enterprises to do material magnetic or detection experiments, applied to materials, electronics, biology, medical, aviation and other industries。
One-dimensional Helmholtz coils
One axis Helmholtz coil is widely used to generate one-dimensional standard magnetic field and magnetic flux measurement coil.
Two dimensional Helmholtz coil
Two-dimensional Helmholtz coil, Helmholtz coil, magnetic field coil characteristics: the magnetic field space is wide, the general magnetic field direction is X axis and Z axis, each dimension can be synchronized or not synchronized magnetic field. It is suitable for standard magnetic field generation, hall probe and calibration of various magnetometers, biological magnetic field research and material magnetic properties research
Three dimensional Helmholtz coil
The triaxial helmholtz coil can generate a triaxial magnetic field, which can be used for measuring the magnetic declination Angle of permanent magnet. TA8308 Magnetic declination Angle measuring instrument, the magnetic field is respectively X, Y, Z axis magnetic field, generally each axis magnetic field is low. Especially suitable for generating standard magnetic field, offset and compensation of earth magnetic field, geomagnetic environment simulation, judgment of magnetic shielding effect, electromagnetic interference simulation experiment, calibration of Hall probe and various magnetometers, biological magnetic field research and material magnetic properties research.
Feed helmholtz coil
Combined Helmholtz field coils are composed of multi-loop coils arranged along the axial direction. The more common ones are Barker coil, Brownback coil, Maxwell coil, Rebbe coil, and unmoment coil. Compared with Helmholtz coil, the combined coil has better magnetic field uniformity under the same diameter, which can improve the coil uniformity in an effective space and expand the range of uniform area. It is suitable for high precision and wide range of magnetic field requirements.
Square Helmholtz coil
Square Helmholtz coil features: Uniform area large volume, open space, generally used for the test of large samples, side length up to 1 meters to several meters, can be designed for one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional coil. It is suitable for generating standard magnetic field, offset and compensation of earth magnetic field, geomagnetic environment simulation, judgment of magnetic shielding effect, electromagnetic interference simulation experiment, calibration of Hall probe and various magnetometers, biological magnetic field research and material magnetic properties research.