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  • Hall Effect Measurement System

    DX-100 Hall Effect Measurement System

  • soft magnetic material coercivity measuring device

    DX-2012HC soft magnetic material coercivity measuring device

  • Fluxgate Magnetometer

    DX-330F 3D Fluxgate Magnetometer

  • Gauss Meter

    DX-180 Gauss Meter

  • Double-Yoke Double-Tuning Adjustable Air Gap Electromagnet

    DXSB Double-Yoke Double-Tuning Adjustable Air Gap Electromagnet

  • 3 Axis Helmholtz Coils

    3 Axis Helmholtz Coils

Magnetic field solenoid

The magnetic field solenoid can be used to produce standard magnetic field, to determine the effect of magnetic shielding, to simulate electromagnetic interference, to calibrate Hall probe and various magnetometers, to study biological magnetic field and to study magnetic properties of matter.
  • AC/DC magnetic field Solenoid

    AC/DC magnetic field Solenoid

    Solenoid has advantages of good uniformity, small size, high magnetic field. It can output AC/DC magnetic field, Current and magnetic field has a good linear relationship. Apply to the institute, institutions of higher learning and company do material or magnetic detection experiment, applied to materials, electronics, biological, medical, aerospace, chemical, physical, and other disciplines.

  • Impulse solenoid

    Impulse solenoid

    To generate AC magnetic fields with solenoid has a great advantage over Helmholtz coils in that it has a compact size and a small inductance, making it easy to generate high frequency magnetic fields.Continuous pulse magnetic field and AC magnetic field are similarities in the design.

  • No magnetic moment solenoid

    No magnetic moment solenoid

    The non-magnetic moment solenoid is composed of two sets of solenoids nested in a nested manner, and through a certain number of coil turns of each group of coils and a certain current direction, the magnetic field outside the solenoid is rapidly attenuated. The total magnetic moment of the tube coil is zero.

  • High uniformity solenoids

    High uniformity solenoids

    Highly uniform solenoids are a way to increase uniformity over conventional solenoids. It is possible to improve the uniformity of solenoid by winding multiple winding and winding combination; The size of the solenoid is smaller than that of ordinary solenoid, and its uniformity is higher, which effectively reduces the total length of the solenoid, especially the measurement of longer sample.

  • Three - dimensional solenoid

    Three - dimensional solenoid

    Three - dimensional solenoid has advantages of good uniformity, small size, high magnetic field. It can output AC/DC magnetic field, Current and magnetic field has a good linear relationship. Apply to the institute, institutions of higher learning and company do material or magnetic detection experiment, applied to materials, electronics, biological, medical, aerospace, chemical, physical, and other disciplines.

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